Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pictures from the State Fair.

I just recently found where I had saved all the pictures I took when my roommates and I went to the State Fair to see Coolio, Young MC, and Naughty by Nature live. These pictures are too real. Let's see the highlights of the trip!

This is what we saw right as we entered the Fair. I never said it was pretty, but indulge in the white trash!

This guy was my favorite. This cold blooded heart throb has got a message, and that message is: "I know how to party."

Alecia and I had to team up for this one. Notice the guy on his blue tooth as well as the lady's third chin.

This is Tim blending in with some random kids. The only problem I have with this picture is why would anyone want to get their shoes shined at the state fair?

We continues walking and found a bag of trash out in the open. Trevor is not surprised. Also note the lady with the sweatshirt wrapped around her waist. Wow.

The trick to popping those balloons is getting around the lady.

This lady looks like a broke-ass Stephen King. Fucking creep.

Courtesy of Trevor Thon. This guy is begging for it.

After this point we headed to the concert. Young MC was first to perform and opened up with a new song of his called "That ain't the picture on yo myspace page." He's going places.

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