Friday, January 23, 2009

Holy Shit.

At around 11:00am, I was driving around Tempe with my topper from work still on the roof of my car. Every once in a while, some random person walking will see me drive by and wave, point, or give me a little head nod. It's nice. I had noticed that on my way to work, two separate people waved to me and I was feeling like today wasn't going to completely suck. Well, I was behind a bus while it was unloading, and this black lady began laughing hysterically at me. At first I thought she could just have been told something extremely funny, but she began pointing. I just sat there and took it. It was all I could do.

The first part of my thirteen hour workday was a delivering shift at my store. Everything was pretty normal until this guy threw up all over the bathroom floor. It is shitty enough that I had to hear him throwing up, but knowing that I was going to be the one to clean it up stung worse. When he came out, he fessed up to what he did and offered $20 to whoever was going to clean it up. Fuck yes, dude. Yes, it is cleaning up vomit, but it's sure as hell better than cleaning up vomit for minimum wage.

The second part of my work day was working inshop at a slower store by myself. The manager of this store told me I really didn't have to do any paperwork or deal with any money, but to basically clean and lock up the place. I was accompanied by one of their drivers, who would spend most of his time outside the store, leaving me completely alone at times. Here is a list of things I considered doing during my shift:

1) Doing more work that was expected of me. Reason I did not do it: Their shit/ way of doing shit is way different from how we do it at my store.
2) Go on the computer and play Kitten Cannon. Reason I did not do it: Their internet was shitty.
3) Masturbate in the bathroom. Reason I did not do it: No motivation.
4) Masturbate anywhere in the store. Reason I reconsidered: No cameras, no customers, no problem.

Now this is a list of things I actually did:

1) Hang out for lengthy periods of time.
2) Punch frozen bacon.
3) Danced. I just found out about the band Justice.
4) Quickly befriend any customers.
5) Would yell profanities out loud, because I could.
6) Wash my hands every time after I went to the bathroom.
7) Call friends.
8) Cleaned.
9) Not masturbate.

I am staying up only so that I can go in at 8:00am when the managers are supposed to arrive and explain everything that I did because I am pretty sure I fucked it up royally. I guess I could hide behind the excuse, "No one ever trained me."

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