Thursday, May 21, 2009

New Years Pictures in Late May

I went to Disney World for New Years with my family. I took a lot of pictures, mostly of family, and mostly of the depressing things around me. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the trip:

This guy was a mother fucking trip! I found him in line at ride that is inside the giant golf ball looking shit. I don't know what he's up to, but count me in!

This is the line for that ride. "Soarin' over California"'s wait time was projected to be 5 hours long. People waited in those lines for five hours. Five hours for their fat fucking children to not appreciate the fact that vacations cost a shit ton of money.

This is the angry Spanish lady who was screaming on her cell phone near the entrance of the golf ball ride. Maybe I should just figure out what the fucking name of that ride is, but I doubt anyone reading this cares/knows. Everything about this woman shouts "foreigner."

This was the door to the men's bathroom. Disney sells sex to kidz? NO WAI!

More subtle Disney dick references.

All of the pictures above are tame compared to the shit that comes next...

I was watching this guy for a while. At first, it looked like he was talking to the plant right in front of him. Also, I feel it's just necessary to photograph people you suspect falsely using handicapped scooters. Like Dobbins always says: You were born skinny; you chose to be fat.

The father/boyfriend's hat/short/boot/tit combo almost forces one to overlook the preteen denim-fupa.

No one is touching these strollers. NO ONE!!!

Doesn't this shit piss you off??? FUCK! Also, notice the couple living it up by the trash can.

Let's state the facts up front on this one:
1) Sleeveless American flag shirt.
2) 2 cigarettes.
3) 2 colas.
4) Jorts.
5) Bowl cut.

This is my favorite picture, hands down. Just look at the poor, pathetic kid with the fake glasses! The, what I can just assume, stepfather looks as if he's just about to say, "Yeah, its a Boflex body," at any minute! Also, notice the queer, balding man on the immediate left. And yes, I told Dusty to pose and act as a decoy. He is making the face of what I assume every girl sees before he lays down his sex.


aud said...

Everything about this post was fantastic.

Alecia said...
